September 29th, 2019

Oh boy, this situation is getting difficult. It's going to be fun to explore this story, because since all the characters are separated, I need them each to carry a separate plotline. Perhaps it's going to take longer than I thought to finish.

September 22nd, 2019

For those just tuning in to the story: Harley took Billy and Pete on a cross-country road trip, and it's currently the day before they reach their destination. But in typical fashion, Billy has ditched Harley to hitchhike back home, taking Pete with him. However, Pete then ditched Billy to regroup with Harley, so now Billy is hitchhiking on his own.

I'll probably have to stop doing these recaps at some point as this story gets more complicated.

Edit: Fixed a small typo where Harley said "has" instead of "have." I should be better than this by now.

September 15th, 2019

Now Billy's left to his own wits on this adventure. What will become of him next? Will he make it back to Florida? What will Harley think of all this??

September 8th, 2019

The story continues. How does Pete keep getting sucked into these situations? 

This is my first post from university! It's going to be a little difficult to draw regularly over here, but I will do my best to post at least once a week. I'm still trying to raise my standards for the artwork in these strips; I like how the background in the second panel turned out here.

Next Comic, Last Comic and Home links are up here!

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