I'm a moderate procrastinator, but not so much so that I don't do any work until the last second. I can force myself to do work before I absolutely need to. It's a good thing I can, otherwise I'd probably procrastinate on drawing these strips.
You know, I really have nothing to say about this one. This is just one of those times when nothing interesting or funny happened when I was drawing the strip. So instead, I'll just tell you to wish my Dad a happy birthday tomorrow (or today if you're getting this by email). Happy B-Day!
Hey guys, I'm back! Didja miss me?? Coloring this one turned out to be pretty easy. As you can see, the strip is split into two sections of six panels. What I did is, I used the same colors for each corresponding pair of panels in each section. For example, panels three and nine (the third in each section) both have the same purple background, the same-colored ferns, same colored ground, etc. The same goes for each pair of panels. That was just a little coloring shortcut I took that ended up looking pretty interesting.
Aaaaaaggh. I really should have thought of a better punchline for this one. I guess I was just too lazy at the time I drew it. This is one of those cases where I'm just pondering something (in this case, the whole relativity-aliens thing), and I try to build a joke around it, but here it didn't really work. Sorry. Please forgive me. Hey everyone, I'm going to be away for the next week, so I'm afraid I won't be able to post until next Saturday or so. Sorry for the wait! See ya in a week.
I heard somewhere about there being two "universes." If you think about it, everything we experience is only our brain's interpretation of what's around us. For example, we don't see objects, we only see the information our mind gets from our eyes. Same with touching, tasting, whatever-- it's all only our brains' version of the world. So there's basically two universes: the real universe and our brains' universe. Minds are pretty crazy, man.
I chose seven dollars because that's kind of an awkward number to check. I mean, if I was casually glancing at the amount of money I was given, I probably wouldn't notice whether I was given six 1-dollar bills or seven. Then again, if I was given one 5-dollar bill and one 1-dollar bill, I would probably notice.
Happy Fourth of July, everyone! Unless you don't live in the U.S., in which case. . . um. . . I don't really know what to tell ya. I like the warm, hazy vibe that the colors here turned out to be. Coloring sunsets is always fun and leads to some interesting color combos.
What?! The year's already halfway over?!?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGHHH!! Run, everybody! Time is moving too fast!!! Okay, whatever. Calm down, Cole. I really like puzzles. That's pretty much all I can say about the strip today.