April 30th, 2014

The great thing about doing a webcomic is that you can make comics in any shape you please! I tried it out here, and I think it turned out really nice, although it took me a long time to color it.

April 28th, 2014

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Wait, don't the Monday comics have color?" (You're probably not thinking that, but whatever.) Well, since I went on vacation for spring break, the arrangement of comics has been different. Thus, the colored "Sunday" strips will now be posted on Wednesdays.

This one's kind of stupid, but I like Harley's face in the third panel.
(Also, if you didn't notice, the robot moves from the first to fourth panels. So either Billy's contraption works, or he's just remodeling a store-bought toy.)

April 26th, 2014

This is, in a very small way, inspired by Calvin and Hobbes.
Also, if you read my comic, I'd really appreciate if you'd comment on my site. I'd like to hear your feedback!

April 24th, 2014

Hello, once again! I'm back from my trip to Hawaii. It was completely awesome! I hope your spring breaks were, are, or are going to be as awesome, too.

I've noticed Billy's comment in the second panel for a long time. I don't feel as strongly as to actually switch the words around, but it's still funny how that works.

April 13th, 2014

Hi everybody! Tomorrow my family and I are going to Hawaii on spring break! This, clearly, is totally awesome, but it means I can't post until two Thursdays from now. Sorry!

Okay, here's how the machine works:
First, a marble is pushed (up at the 'START' sign) and knocks down a few dominoes. The dominoes fall into a container, unbalancing the pulley system it's attracted to, and the other side of the pulley string nudges another marble. That marble knocks down some bigger dominoes and sets free the bird in its cage. The bird then flies over to the bird feeder, and the feeder, swaying from the collision with the bird, hits down yet another marble. The marble hits the scissors, cutting the string of the ballon, which releases another marble down below. The marble opens up the ant farm, and the ants march along to eat the slice of watermelon on the pulley. Once the ants have eaten enough, the pulley system will be unbalanced, and the other end will fall down, pushing the final marble onto the light switch.
Ah, the ever-intriguing complexities of Rube Goldberg machines.

April 11th, 2014

As with the refrigerator and the weeping willow strips, this joke was from an old comic called Good ol' Bob. Harley's description of how he eats ice-cream is mine, too.

Update: I made some typos (something that rarely happens) in the second panel. The "do" was originally spelled "dou," and "cream" was spelled "crem," so I fixed it!

April 9th, 2014

Today is my little brother's birthday! Woohoo! Yeah!

I also like to play with LEGOs. I make some pretty rad creations, man.

April 5th, 2014

There's something wrong about this strip. It's the way I worded it, I guess. (I never actually write down my jokes. I kind of just keep them in my head until I draw them.)

I saw the new Captain America movie last night. It was really good, even though I'm not a big Marvel follower.

April 3rd, 2014

So, who fell for my April Fool's joke?

I did something weird in the second panel that made it look odd. I underestimated the amount of words in the speech bubble, and so I drew the pictures on the wall before finishing it. So I had to squeeze too many words into too little space, and now it looks bad. Also, the reason it says, "a Maine coastline" is because I was in Maine, near a coastline, when I drew this.

April 1st, 2014

Sorry guys! No comic today!
April Fool! Gotcha, didn't I?
Like March 30th's strip, I drew this in Maine last summer.

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