October 26th, 2015

Okay, I'd just like to clear something up. This list is compiled by physical complexity, not intellectual complexity. By saying that writing is underneath visual art on this list, I mean that  physically, all writing is is just ink arranged into letters, so looking at it that way, it is much less complicated than, say, a painting, which physically is an intricately formed layer of paint, organized into a picture. I'm not saying that it takes a smarter person to paint a picture, or that it's easier to write a novel than to draw a comic strip. I really didn't mean any of this that way, so I hope this strip doesn't offend anyone.

With that out of the way, this really is how I feel about video games. In my opinion, no other medium really had the level of interactivity than games, but I can definitely appreciate all other forms of art to some extent.

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